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10th International Public Markets Conference

Written by Rosie Wilkinson


Today almost 300 delegates from across the globe are gathered in London for the first day of the 10th International Public Markets Conference.   Sara González and Myfanwy Taylor are present, representing the Markets4People team, and will be hosting an unconference session on 'Researching the Community Benefits of Public Markets' on Friday afternoon (City Hall, 7th June, 4:30-6pm).

Take part through Twitter using #Markets4People

We’re keen to hear perspectives from markets in different countries and contexts, and not only from conference delegates! Campaigners, community groups, traders, operators and market users are welcome to join in by responding to the following four key questions, which will form the basis of discussion during the unconference session, using the hashtag #Markets4People:

  1. What are the community benefits of markets?
  2. What data on markets do you currently collect and why?
  3. Filling the gaps: what new research is needed and why?
  4. What are the roles of policy makers, operators, traders and customers/communities?

To view our presentation, click on the slide image below.

You can also follow the conversation on Twitter with the hashtag #PublicMarkets19